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High Density Graphite Electrode Carbon Rod Electrode

High Density Graphite Electrode Carbon Rod Electrode

High Density Graphite Electrode Carbon Rod Electrode Today Mishan Graphite Mold factory tell you the maintenance of Graphite Rod Electrode tips, I hope it help you understand more about Carbon Ele...


High Density Graphite Electrode Carbon Rod Electrode

Today Mishan Graphite Mold factory tell you the maintenance of Graphite Rod Electrode tips, I hope it help you understand more about Carbon Electrode Graphite Electrode.Next, please follow the Mishan Graphite Products manufacturers to a simple understanding.

  1. The specification number of graphite products is the capacity of copper

2, graphite products including graphite rod,Graphite Plate,Graphite Crucible, Graphite Round , Graphite Ring , Graphite Tube ,are strictly prevent moisture, storage must be placed in a dry place or on a wooden shelf.

3, To handle gently of High Density Graphite Electrode, do not fall.

4, For Graphite Ingot,Graphite Nut,Graphite Bolts,Carbon Electrode Graphite Electrode before use it in the drying equipment or next to the furnace hot baking, temperature rises to 500℃.

5, Graphite Die products should be placed under the furnace mouth plane to prevent the furnace cover from wearing graphite products on the top.

6, adding materials should be based on the amount of graphite products dissolved, not too much material, too tight to prevent tightening graphite products.